Health Services and Informatics Research (HSIR) at Parkview Health was founded in 2014 – bringing concrete solutions to problems that patients, healthcare providers, the community, and the health care system face through traditional research studies, pilot studies, and program evaluation.

Led by Tammy Toscos, Director of Health Services and Informatics Research, the team researches how to use technology to impact patient behaviors and engagement to improve health outcomes and workflow for providers. Projects focus on social-behavioral, cardiology, public health, data science, and health informatics that are sponsored internally by Parkview Health or externally funded through federal or private grants. The team collaborates with Parkview clinicians, patients, and community partners to conduct research and quality improvement projects ranging from focus groups and online surveys to workflow and technology evaluation, supported by their in-house User Experience lab.

The HSIR team also hosts student interns throughout the year who work directly with research scientists on private and federally funded studies. In this internship program, students gain experience in a variety of aspects of the research process, such as research ethics, the daily management of research studies, observational coding, qualitative coding, data analysis, and the presentation of research findings.


Submissions from 2024


Screening for diabetes distress and depression in routine clinical care for youth with type 1 diabetes., Dana K. Albright PhD, Joseph Wardell, Annalise Harrison, Kara Mizokami-Stout, Emily Hirschfeld, Ashley Garrity, Inas Thomas, and Joyce Lee


Cyberbullying and Bullying Reports Among Youth in a Behavioral Health Inpatient Unit: Insights From Youth and Parent Intake Surveys., Michelle Drouin PhD, Kelley Kardys, Mindy Flanagan, Jessica Pater, and Connie Kerrigan


Technoference in Parenting and Impacts on Parent–Child Relationships and Child Development, Brandon T. McDaniel PhD, Lisa Linder, Mariek M.P. Vanden Abeele, Alison K. Ventura, Sarah M. Coyne, and Rachel Barr


Heavy users, mobile gamers, and social networkers: Patterns of objective smartphone use in parents of infants and associations with parent depression, sleep, parenting, and problematic phone use., Brandon T. McDaniel PhD, Jenny Radesky, Jessica Pater, Adam M Galovan, Annalise Harrison, Victor P. Cornet MS, Lauren Reining, Alexandria Schaller, and Michelle Drouin


Coparenting of child media use and associations with child media limits and frequency of media use in the United States, Brandon T. McDaniel PhD and Jade Summerhays Walker


Daily smartphone use predicts parent depressive symptoms, but parents' perceptions of responsiveness to their child moderate this effect., Brandon T. McDaniel PhD, Sabrina Uva, Jessica Pater, Victor P. Cornet MS, Michelle Drouin PhD, and Jenny Radesky


Parent social media use and gaming on mobile phones, technoference in family time, and parenting stress., Brandon T. McDaniel PhD, Alison K. Ventura, and Michelle Drouin PhD


Toddlers’ physiological response to parent's mobile device distraction and technoference, Chris L. Porter, Sarah M. Coyne, Noah A. Chojnacki, Brandon T. McDaniel PhD, Peter J. Reschke, and Laura A. Stockdale


Association Between Psychosocial Acuity and Glycemic Control in a Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes Clinic., Joseph Wardell, Dana K. Albright PhD, Claire Chang, Melissa A Plegue, Jung Eun Lee, Emily Hirschfeld, Ashley Garrity, Joyce M Lee, and Melissa DeJonckheere


Fasting Versus a Heart-Healthy Diet Before Cardiac Catheterization: A Randomized Controlled Trial., Carri Woods MBA, MSN, RN; Michelle Wood MSN, RN-BC; Angela Boylan; Mindy Flanagan; and Jan Powers PhD, RN, CCRN

Submissions from 2023


Applying Human-Centered Data Science to Healthcare: Hyperlocal Modeling of COVID-19 Hospitalizations, Victoria Chui, Jessica Pater, Tammy Toscos, and Shion Guha PhD


Does Alcohol Consumption Influence People's Perceptions of Their Own and a Drinking Partner's Ability to Consent to Sexual Behavior in a Non-sexualized Drinking Context?, Kristen N Jozkowski, Tiffany Marcantonio, Malachi Willis, and Michelle Drouin


Online Risks for Youth and Families, Brandon T. McDaniel PhD and Jessica Pater PhD


Behavioral Health Grants Overview 2022, Parkview Health


Conceptualizing care partners' burden, stress, and support for reintegrating Veterans: a mixed methods study., Nicholas A Rattray, Mindy Flanagan, Allison Mann, Leah Danson, Ai-Nghia Do, Diana Natividad, Katrina Spontak, and Gala True

Submissions from 2022


Evaluation of standardized psychological screening for pediatric inpatients., Dana K. Albright PhD, Allison Gornik, Melissa Andersen, Kimberly Monroe, and Kristin A. Kullgren


Structured exposure in an unstructured setting: Case study of parental exposure intervention to increase parental mastery of medical care during inpatient hospitalization., Dana K. Albright PhD, Kristin A. Kullgren, and Melissa Andersen


Human-Centered Data Science: An Introduction, Cecilia Aragon, Shion Guha PhD, Marina Kogan, Michael Muller, and Gina Neff


Digital distraction or accessible aid? Parental media use during feedings and parent-infant attachment, dysfunction, and relationship quality, Sarah M. Coyne, Jane Shawcroft, Megan Gale, Stephanie M. Reich, Lisa Linder, Brandon T. McDaniel PhD, Laura Stockdale, and McCall Booth


Digital distraction or accessible aid? Parental media use during feedings and parent-infant attachment, dysfunction, and relationship quality, Sarah M. Coyne, Jane Shawcroft, Megan Gale, Stephanie M. Reich, Lisa Linder, Brandon T. McDaniel PhD, Laura Stockdale, and McCall Booth


Naturalistic Decision Making in Everyday Self-care Among Older Adults With Heart Failure, Carly Daley MS, Victor P. Cornet MS, Tammy Toscos PhD, Davide P. Bolchini PhD, Michael Mirro MD, and Richard J. Holden PhD


Designing Displays of Cardiac Implantable Electronic Device Sensor Data with Patients who have Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction, Carly Daley PhD; Shauna Wagner BSN, RN; Ryan Ahmed MS; Romisa Rohani Ghahari PhD; Tammy Toscos PhD; and Michael Mirro MD, FACC, FHRS, FAHA


Is chatting with a sophisticated chatbot as good as chatting online or FTF with a stranger, Michelle Drouin


Differences Between Gender and Relationship Status in Motivations and Consequences of Consensual Sexting Among Emerging Adults, Kirsten M. Greer, Kyla M. Cary, Megan K. Maas, Michelle Drouin, and Tara L. Cornelius


Respiratory ECMO Survival Prediction (RESP) Score for COVID-19 Patients Treated with ECMO., Hariom Joshi MD, Mindy Flanagan, Rakeshkumar Subramanian MD, and Michelle Drouin


Health informatics interventions to minimize out-of-pocket medication costs for patients: what providers want., Karalyn A Kiessling, Bradley E Iott, Jessica Pater, Tammy Toscos, Shauna Wagner, Laura M Gottlieb, and Tiffany C Veinot


Moment-to-Moment Observation of Parental Media Use and Parent-Child Interaction: Quality and Media Multitasking, Lisa Linder, Brandon T. McDaniel PhD, and Heather Jaffe


Mindful Parenting and Parent Technology Use: Examining the Intersections and Outlining Future Research Directions, Melissa A. Lippold, Brandon T. McDaniel PhD, and Todd M. Jensen


Self-Regulation as a Protective Factor for Diabetes Distress and Adherence in Youth with Type 1 Diabetes During the COVID-19 Pandemic., Alison L Miller, Dana K. Albright PhD, Katherine W Bauer, Hurley O Riley, Marisa E Hilliard, Julie Sturza, Niko Kaciroti, Sharon L Lo, Katy M Clark, Joyce M Lee, and Emily M Fredericks


Cultivating the Community: Inferring Influence within Eating Disorder Networks on Twitter, Fayika Farhat Nova, Amanda Coupe, Elizabeth D. Mynatt, Shion Guha PhD, and Jessica Pater


Uncovering Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) from Clinical Narratives within the Electronic Health Record, Fayika Farhat Nova, Rachel Pfafman, Kelley Kardys, Connie Kerrigan, Shion Guha PhD, and Jessica Pater


Social media activity: its impact on career-related perceptions, Kimberly W. O'Connor, Kimberly S. McDonald, Brandon T. McDaniel PhD, and Gordon Schmidt


No Humans Here: Ethical Speculation on Public Data, Unintended Consequences, and the Limits of Institutional Review, Jessica Pater, Casey Fiesler, and Michael Zimmer


The Work of Digital Social Re-entry in Substance Use Disorder Recovery, Chandra Phelan, Jeremy Heyer, Rachel Pfafman, Connie Kerrigan, Golfo K. Tzilos Wernette, Lynn Dombrowski, Andrew D. Miller, and Jessica Pater


Neuropsychological Outcomes in Individuals With Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes., Nathaniel M Putnam, Evan L Reynolds, Mousumi Banerjee, Kara Mizokami-Stout, Dana K. Albright PhD, Joyce Lee, Rodica Pop-Busui, Eva L Feldman, and Brian C Callaghan


"It's a mess sometimes": patient perspectives on provider responses to healthcare costs, and how informatics interventions can help support cost-sensitive care decisions., Olivia K Richards, Bradley E Iott, Tammy Toscos, Jessica Pater, Shauna Wagner, and Tiffany C Veinot


Integrating Pharmacists in HFrEF Outpatient Care to Improve Use of Guideline-Directed Medical Therapy, Roy Robertson MD; Mindy Flanagan PhD; Kris Howard PharmD; Elizabeth Meisberger PharmD; Emily Keltner BS, MA; Lovekirat Singh MS; Carly Daley PhD; Shauna Wagner BSN, RN; Tammy Toscos PhD; and Michael Mirro MD, FACC, FHRS, FAHA


New-onset psychosis following COVID-19 infection in a patient with no psychiatric history: A longitudinal case report., Matthew Runyan, Jay Fawver, Amanda Coupe, and Michelle Drouin


Unpacking Invisible Work Practices, Constraints, and Latent Power Relationships in Child Welfare through Casenote Analysis, Devansh Saxena, Seh Young Moon, Dahlia Shehata, and Shion Guha PhD


How to Train a (Bad) Algorithmic Caseworker: A Quantitative Deconstruction of Risk Assessments in Child Welfare, Devansh Saxena, Charles Repaci, Melanie D. Sage, and Shion Guha PhD


Perhaps It Was Too Soon: College Students' Reflections on the Timing of Their Sexual Debut., Susan Sprecher, Lucia F O'Sullivan, Michelle Drouin, Julie Verette-Lindenbaum, and Marion C Willetts


Interrogating Human-centered Data Science: Taking Stock of Opportunities and Limitations. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts, Anissa Tanweer; Cecilia R. Aragon; Michael Muller; Shion Guha MS, PhD; Gina Neff; and Marina Kogan


COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic Success: An Interdisciplinary Application of Simulation and Modeling., Tammy Toscos PhD, Victor P. Cornet MS, Michelle Charles, Erica Cumbee MPA, Charlotte Gabet, Ethel Massing, and R. Scott Stienecker MD

Submissions from 2021


Simmering on the Back Burner or Playing with Fire? Examining the Consequences of Back-Burner Digital Communication Among Ex-Partners., John A Banas, Jayson L Dibble, Elena Bessarabova, and Michelle Drouin


Communication and Algorithmic Decision Making in a Virtual Healthcare Context., Lillian Campbell, Amrita George, and Shion Guha PhD


Organizational Models for Cardiac Implantable Electronic Device Remote Monitoring: Current and Future Directions, Carly Daley, Tammy Toscos PhD, Tina Allmandinger, Ryan Ahmed, Shauna Wagner, and Michael Mirro MD


Fanning the flames of back burner relationships electronically: Prevalence and implications for romances and well-being among adults., Jayson L. Dibble, John A. Banas, and Michelle Drouin


Romance and Dating in the Digital Age: Impacts of Computer-Mediated Communication and a Global Pandemic., Jayson L Dibble and Brandon T. McDaniel PhD


Examining the roles of marital status and sex on communication with backburners on social media, Michelle Drouin, Irum Abbasi, Jayson L. Dibble, and Brandon T. McDaniel PhD


Technology use during evening routines, bedtime satisfaction, and impacts on individual and relational well-being, Michelle Drouin and Brandon T. McDaniel PhD


Intimate Partner Violence Screening in Perinatal Facilities Throughout Parkview Health, Lola Giwa, Tammy Toscos, and Shauna Wagner


Noninvasive Hemoglobin Level Prediction in a Mobile Phone Environment: State of the Art Review and Recommendations., Kamrul Hasan MD, Masanul Aziz MD, Ishrak Islam Zarif MD, Mahmudul Hasan, Mma Hashem, Shion Guha PhD, Richard R Love, and Sheikh Ahamed


Relational impacts of capitalization in early parenthood., Yunying Le, Steffany J Fredman, Amy D Marshall, Sy-Miin Chow, Brandon T. McDaniel PhD, Jean-Philippe Laurenceau, and Mark E Feinberg


The impact of parent and child media use on parent-child attachment in early childhood, Lisa K. Linder, Brandon T. McDaniel PhD, Laura Stockdale, and Sarah M. Coyne


The DISRUPT: A measure of parent distraction with phones and mobile devices and associations with depression, stress, and parenting quality., Brandon T. McDaniel PhD


Maternal nighttime phone use and impacts on daily happiness and exhaustion., Brandon T. McDaniel PhD, Elizabeth L Adams, Emily E Hohman, Victor P. Cornet MS, Lauren Reining, and Zachary Kaiser


Are You Going to Delete Me? Latent Profiles of Post-Relationship Breakup Social Media Use and Emotional Distress., Brandon T. McDaniel PhD, Michelle Drouin, Jayson Dibble, Adam M Galovan, and Madison Merritt


Work-related technoference at home and feelings of work spillover, overload, life satisfaction and job satisfaction, Brandon T. McDaniel PhD, Kimberly O'Conner, and Michelle Drouin


Work-related technoference at home and feelings of work spillover, overload, life satisfaction and job satisfaction, Brandon T. McDaniel PhD, Kimberly OConner, and Michelle Drouin


“You phubbed me for that?” Reason given for phubbing and perceptions of interactional quality and exclusion, Brandon T. McDaniel PhD and Eric Wesselmann


The Relationship between Dark Triad Personality Traits and Sexting Behaviors among Adolescents and Young Adults across 11 Countries., Mara Morelli, Flavio Urbini, Dora Bianchi, Roberto Baiocco, Elena Cattelino, Fiorenzo Laghi, Piotr Sorokowski, Michal Misiak, Martyna Dziekan, Heather Hudson, Alexandra Marshall, Thanh Truc T Nguyen, Lauren Mark, Kamil Kopecky, René Szotkowski, Ezgi Toplu Demirtaş, Joris Van Ouytsel, Koen Ponnet, Michel Walrave, Tingshao Zhu, Ya Chen, Nan Zhao, Xiaoqian Liu, Alexander Voiskounsky, Nataliya Bogacheva, Maria Ioannou, John Synnott, Kalliopi Tzani-Pepelasi, Vimala Balakrishnan, Moses Okumu, Eusebius Small, Silviya Pavlova Nikolova, Michelle Drouin, and Antonio Chirumbolo


Facebook Promotes More Harassment" Social Media Ecosystem, Skill and Marginalized Hijra Identity in Bangladesh, Fayika Farhat Nova, Michael Ann DeVito, Pratyasha Saha, Kazi Shohanur Rashid, Shashwata Roy Turzo, Sadia Afrin, and Shion Guha PhD


How Do Age, Sex, Political Orientation, Religiosity, and Sexism Affect Perceptions of Sex Assault/Harassment Allegations?, Kimberly W. OConner, Michelle Drouin, and Tyler Niedermeyer


Social media activity: its impact on career-related perceptions, Kimberly W. OConner, Kimberly S. McDonald, Brandon T. McDaniel PhD, and Gordan B. Schmidt


User-Centered Design of a Mobile App to Support Peer Recovery in a Clinical Setting, Jessica Pater, Victor P. Cornet MS, Ryan Ahmed, Sarah Colletta, Chandra Phelan, Erik Hess, Connie Kerrigan, and Tammy Toscos PhD


Standardizing Reporting of Participant Compensation in HCI: A Systematic Literature Review and Recommendations for the Field, Jessica Pater, Amanda Coupe, Rachel Pfafman, Chanda Phelan, Tammy Toscos, and Maia Jacobs


Charting the Unknown: Challenges in the Clinical Assessment of Patients’ Technology Use Related to Eating Disorders, Jessica Pater, Fayika Farhat Nova, Amanda Coupe, Lauren Reining, Connie Kerrigan, Tammy Toscos PhD, and Elizabeth D. Mynatt


Introduction to the special issue on communication technologies and relationships, Daniel Perlman, Susan Sprecher, and Michelle Drouin


A Framework of High-Stakes Algorithmic Decision-Making for the Public Sector Developed through a Case Study of Child-Welfare, Devansh Saxena, Karla Badillo-Urquiola, Pamela J. Wisniewski, and Shion Guha PhD


Is it fair to simply tell parents to use their phones less? A qualitative analysis of parent phone use., Chioma Torres, Jenny Radesky, Kimberley J Levitt, and Brandon T. McDaniel PhD


Social learning in the digital age: Associations between technoference, mother-child attachment, and child social skills., Danielle Zayia, Leandra Parris, Brandon T. McDaniel PhD, Gregory Braswell, and Corinne Zimmerman

Submissions from 2020


Perceptions on Tailored Educational Messaging to Patients with Atrial Fibrillation: Towards Increased Patient Engagement and Medication Adherence, Ryan Ahmed; Michelle Drouin; Elizabeth Martin; Michael Mirro MD, FACC, FHRS, FAHA; Romisa Rohani Ghahari; and Tammy Toscos PhD


Assessment in Pediatric Psychology Consultation-Liaison, Dana K. Albright PhD, Teryn Bruni, and William Kronenberger


54-LB: Control Yourself: Impact of Self-Regulation on Diabetes Management in Adolescents, Dana K. Albright PhD, Hurley O. Riley, Emily Fredericks, Julie Sturza, Sharon Lo, Katy M. Clark, Joyce M. Lee, and Alison L. Miller


The Role of Parent Self-Regulation in Youth Type 1 Diabetes Management., Katherine W Bauer, Marisa E Hilliard, Dana K. Albright PhD, Sharon L Lo, Emily M. Fredericks, and Alison L Miller


Consensual Sexting among College Students: The Interplay of Coercion and Intimate Partner Aggression in Perceived Consequences of Sexting., Tara L Cornelius, Kathryn M Bell, Tylor Kistler, and Michelle Drouin


Design for Self-Care, Victor P. Cornet MS, Carly Daley, Luiz H. Cavalcanti, Amit Parulekar, and Richard J. Holden


Untold Stories in User-Centered Design of Mobile Health: Practical Challenges and Strategies Learned From the Design and Evaluation of an App for Older Adults With Heart Failure., Victor Philip Cornet, Tammy Toscos PhD, Davide Bolchini, Romisa Rohani Ghahari, Ryan Ahmed, Carly Daley, Michael J. Mirro MD, and Richard J Holden


The heart didn’t know enough to stop”: Insights from patient metaphors about living with cardiac implantable electronic devices, Carly Daley, Jennifer J. Bute PhD, Tammy Toscos PhD, Davide P. Bolchini PhD, Michael Mirro MD, and Richard J. Holden PhD


Involving Patients as Key Stakeholders in the Design of Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Device Data Dashboards: Implications for Patient Care, Carly Daley, Romisa Rohani Ghahari, Michelle Drouin, Ryan Ahmed, Shauna Wagner, Lauren Reining, Amanda Coupe, Tammy Toscos PhD, and Michael Mirro MD


How Parents and Their Children Used Social Media and Technology at the Beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Associations with Anxiety., Michelle Drouin, Brandon T. McDaniel PhD, Jessica Pater, and Tammy Toscos PhD


The association of COMT genotype with buproprion treatment response in the treatment of major depressive disorder., Jay Fawver MD, Mindy Flanagan, Thomas Smith, Michelle Drouin, and Michael Mirro MD


Parents’ Feelings about School Reopening during COVID-19: Survey Results from Northeast Indiana, Mindy Flanagan PhD, Brandon T. McDaniel PhD, Michelle Drouin PhD, Jessica Pater PhD, and Tammy Toscos PhD


Patient ergonomics: 10-year mapping review of patient-centered human factors., Richard J Holden, Victor P. Cornet MS, and Rupa S Valdez


Patient decision-making personas: An application of a patient-centered cognitive task analysis (P-CTA)., Richard J Holden, Carly Daley, Robin S Mickelson, Davide Bolchini, Tammy Toscos PhD, Victor P Cornet, Amy Miller, and Michael Mirro


Nothing New Under the Sun: How Existing Screening Programs can Inform the Design of Social Determinants of Health Screening in Health Care., Bradley Iott, Denise Anthony, Jessica Pater, Shauna Wagner, Tammy Toscos PhD, and Tiffany Veinot


Improving Social Determinants of Health Screening Implementation Through Collaboration: Leveraging a Clinical-Academic Partnership., Bradley E. Iott MPH, MS; Jessica Pater PhD, MS; Shauna Wagner BSN, RN; Tammy Toscos PhD; and Tiffany Veinot PhD, MLS


Determining the Prevalence and Impact of Bullying and Cyberbullying as a Contributing Factor in Patients Who Have Been Admitted Into an Inpatients Facility., Kelley Kardys, Rachel Pfafman, Connie Kerrigan, Lauren Reining, Michelle Drouin, and Jessica Pater


Technoference: Parent mobile device use and implications for children and parent-child relationships., Brandon T. McDaniel PhD


Young Children and Screens During COVID-19: Virtual Workshop, Brandon T. McDaniel PhD


Technology interference in the parenting of young children: Implications for mothers’ perceptions of coparenting, Brandon T. McDaniel PhD and Sarah M. Coyne


Daily technoference, technology use during couple leisure time, and relationship quality, Brandon T. McDaniel PhD, Adam M. Galovan, and Michelle Drouin


Longitudinal Associations Between Early Childhood Externalizing Behavior, Parenting Stress, and Child Media Use., Brandon T. McDaniel PhD and Jenny S Radesky


Adolescent Interventions to Manage Self-Regulation in Type 1 Diabetes (AIMS-T1D): randomized control trial study protocol., Alison L Miller, Sharon L Lo, Dana K. Albright PhD, Joyce M Lee, Christine M Hunter, Katherine W Bauer, Rosalind King, Katy M Clark, Kiren Chaudhry, Niko Kaciroti, Benjamin Katz, and Emily M Fredericks


The role of HEXACO personality traits in different kinds of sexting: A cross-cultural study in 10 countries, Mara Morelli, Antonio Chirumbolo, Dora Bianchi, Roberto Baiocco, Elena Cattelino, Fiorenzo Laghi, Piotr Sorokowski, Michal Misiak, Martyna Dziekan, Heather Hudson, Alexandra Marshall, Thanh Truc Nguyen, Lauren Mark, Kamil Kopecky, René Szotkowski, Ezgi Toplu Demirtaş, Joris Van Ouytsel, Koen Ponnet, Michel Walrave, Tingshao Zhu, Ya Chen, Nan Zhao, Xiaoqian Liu, Alexander Voiskounsky, Nataliya Bogacheva, Maria Ioannou, John Synnott, Calli Tzani-Pepelasi, Vimala Balakrishnan, Moses Okumu, Eusebius Small, Silviya Pavlova Nikolovas, and Michelle Drouin


Problematic phone use, depression, and technology interference among mothers., Genni Newsham, Michelle Drouin, and Brandon T. McDaniel PhD


GROUP4Good: Exploring Positive Impacts of GROUP Research, Jessica Pater, Karla Badillo-Urquiola, Pamela Wisniewski, Nicolas Lalone, and Maia Jacobs


Design Opportunities and Challenges for App-Based Telemental Health Technologies for Teens and Young Adults, Jessica Pater, Amanda Coupe, Andrew D. Miller, Lauren Reining, Michelle Drouin, and Tammy Toscos


Validation Methods to Promote Real-world Applicability of Machine Learning in Medicine, Riyad Bin Rafiq, Francois Modave, Shion Guha PhD, and Mark V. Albert


Technology and workflow recommendations to improve use of guideline directed medical therapy for heart failure with reduced ejection fraction., Roy Robertson MD, Ryan Ahmed, Tammy Toscos PhD, Victor P. Cornet MS, Shauna Wagner, Sarah Colletta, Carly Daley, and Michael Mirro MD