"Young Children and Screens During COVID-19: Virtual Workshop" by Brandon T. McDaniel PhD

Young Children and Screens During COVID-19: Virtual Workshop


Young Children and Screens during COVID-19. Invited Brandon T. McDaniel, PhD to serve on expert panel (sponsored by the Children and Screens Institute) and discussed issues with screens and young children with audience of over 500 parents and professionals (via Zoom) from 8 countries


During the pandemic, is it okay to give my one-year-old a digital device? In place of Pre-K, should I allow my toddler to play online educational video games? How long should I allow my young child to use digital devices? Children and Screens’ Ask the Experts workshop, “Young Children and Screens During COVID-19,” held on April 28, 2020 helps parents make healthy choices for young children’s development and wellbeing during the pandemic. 524 participants registered for this virtual workshop featuring top researchers and clinicians. Children and Screens: Institute of Digital Media and Child Development is the nation’s leading interdisciplinary nonprofit supporting and advancing evidence-based scientific research on technology’s impacts on child health and well-being.


Dimitri A. Christakis, MD, MPH, Editor-in-Chief, JAMA Pediatrics; Director of the Center for Child Health, Behavior and Development, Seattle Children’s Research Institute;

George Adkins Professor of Pediatrics, Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry, and Adjunct Professor of Health Services, University of Washington School of Medicine.

Distinguished Experts:

John S. Hutton, MS, MD, FAAP, Attending Physician, Division of General & Community Pediatrics; Director, Reading & Literacy Discovery Center; Affiliated Faculty, Every Child Succeeds, Cincinnati Children's Hospital; Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati, Department of Pediatrics

Brandon T. McDaniel, PhD, Research Scientist, Health Services & Informatics Research, Parkview Mirro Center for Research & Innovation

Ellen Wartella, PhD, Sheik Hamad bin Kalifa Al-thani Professor of Communication Studies; Professor of Psychology; Professor of Human Development and Social Policy; Professor of Medical Social Sciences; Director of the Center on Media and Human Development, Northwestern University

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date


Publication Title

Children and Screens


Recorded on April 28th, 2020 via Zoom

Due to the very large number of attendees the video quality in a few parts is sub-optimal.
