"Designing Displays of Cardiac Implantable Electronic Device Sensor Dat" by Carly Daley PhD, Shauna Wagner BSN, RN et al.


Background: Cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIEDs) are important life-saving and therapeutic devices for patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF). These devices capture a multitude of data, including factors that have potential to indicate worsening heart failure. Patients may be interested to monitor sensor data from their device as part of heart failure self-care, and are key stakeholders in designing visualizations and displays for interpretation of the data.

Objectives: The objective of this study was to explore the presentation of HF-related CIED sensor data in a small participatory design session with people who have HFrEF and CIEDs.

Methods: The 3-hour participatory design session took place at a mid-size, not-for-profit health system in the Midwestern United States. Participants were five adults who had HFrEF and cardiac synchronization therapy (CRT) devices. Activities included presentation and discussion of HF-sensor data across four levels of detail (“birds-eye view”, mini trend graph, detailed, and supporting information).

Results: Five themes emerged regarding information needs (3), benefits (1), and concerns (1) for displaying and monitoring CIED sensor data, as well as recommendations for displaying data at the various levels of detail.

Conclusions: The session revealed that there are information gaps to fill to transform raw CIED sensor data into displays that provide meaningful, contextual, and actionable information. Future work should be aimed toward closing these gaps in design sessions with patients and their health care providers to create displays that cultivate a shared understanding of CIED data.

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