Psychopharmacology: Psychologists as Prescribers and Collaborators. Exploring Opportunities for Psychologists to Provide High-quality Psychopharmacological Care From a Fundamentally Different Perspective


Presentation Description
Beginning in the 1970’s, prescriptive authority has rapidly evolved into the non-physician health care disciplines. Nurse practitioners, optometrists, podiatrists, and physician assistants are among those professions who have seen a dramatic expansion of their scope of practice, largely due to the ability to prescribe medications. Psychologists are among the only doctoral-level providers who do not universally have the authority to prescribe drugs. Prescriptive authority offers the opportunity to psychologists to address comprehensive unmet health care needs. Evidenced based studies continue to clearly suggest that properly trained psychologists not only are quality prescriptive providers, they are uniquely positioned to raise the standard of health care treatment as a viable and alternative to traditional medically dominated mental health care. Several graduate programs have implemented or are developing prescriptive training. Several states have recently passed legislation and are implementing psychology prescribing laws. Learn why it is time for Indiana to move forward in the future of comprehensive mental health care services.

This intermediate presentation has been developed for clinicians, researchers, residents, interns, and students. .

Learning Objectives
By attending this presentation, participants will be able to:

  1. Summarize Indiana's current law regarding prescriptive-authority.
  2. Describe progress being made, along with APA's leadership, in the national movement for prescribing psychologists.
  3. Utilize literature that supports and does not support prescriptive-authority for psychologists, and to assess literature that addresses implications of prescribing for psychologists.
  4. Prepare to become involved in public policy as momentum grows in Indiana.

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date


Publication Title

Indiana Psychological Association 2018 Fall Conference & Annual Meeting


Presentation will be Saturday, Nov 3: Afternoon Session Two

This document is currently not available here.
