"Reducing Hospital Utilizations for Urinary Tract Infections Through Ed" by Tiffany Ulmer MSN, RN, CCM and Danielle Adam BSN, RN, AMB-BC

Reducing Hospital Utilizations for Urinary Tract Infections Through Education


Poster was presented at Parkview Nursing Research Symposium, 2023.

Population Health is a department within Parkview Health that uses care coordination services to improve patient outcomes, quality care, and patient satisfaction while reducing overall healthcare costs.

The purpose of this evidence-based project (EBP) was to identify or develop an educational tool to be used within the Population Health department to educate older adults at risk for developing UTIs. •The first goal was to increase awareness of early UTI symptoms and when to seek medical treatment. •The second goal was to increase awareness of the different evidence-based prevention strategies and other healthy urinary practices that could aid in the reduction of UTI development.

The hope is that increasing awareness of individual risk for developing UTIs will reduce hospital admissions and emergency department (ED) visits for UTI.

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