"Enhancing Diabetes Care with Peer Mentorship and Support Groups" by Barry McCann BSN, RN


Poster presented at the Parkview Nursing Research Symposium, 2023.

Continued increase in prevalence of type 2 diabetes indicates need for more effective interventions to support lifestyle and behavior changes (ADA 2018).

• Evidence indicates attending diabetes self management education programs can improve diabetes outcomes, unfortunately they are often under referred and underutilized (Powers et al. 2015, Boakye et al. 2018).

• Limited class times, locations, and capacities can make attendance for all patients difficult and vulnerable populations are less likely to participate (Boakye et al. 2018).

• Diabetes education programs often lack culturally and individually relevant guidance, provide no long-term support, and most insurance policies only cover up to 10 hours of education (Boakye et al. 2018).

• Despite these shortcomings in diabetes education and support, our communities still have patients that have found success in disease management.

• Successful patients are a potential resource for new and chronic patients struggling to understand and control their disease.

• The purpose of this review is to collect and examine existing literature on the use of peer support or mentorship programs as a treatment adjunct for adult type 2 diabetics to establish the need for local program development and implementation.

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