"Evaluating Stress Relief Management Through Use of Candy on an Orthope" by Kelsi Cantrell BSN, RN


Presented at the 2024 Parkview Nursing Research Symposium.

Background : Questioned the evidence and opportunity for simple strategies to reduce in-the-moment clinical staff anxiety or stress. Came across a popular therapy trend in which sour or spicy candy is used as a form of distraction for momentary panic-level anxiety. With help from the Parkview Librarian, discovered there was not much information to support this theory, but also that it may not have been evaluated in the context of in-patient, clinical staff stress. Initiated “Stress Relief Treats” project on the Orthopedic Trauma unit in June 2024 to assess if pausing to have a piece of sour/spicy candy could positively impact staff stress levels. Objectives: The goal of the “Stress Relief Treats” project is to identify simple strategies to reduce momentary clinical staff stress/anxiety level, such as using sour or spicy candy. Methods: This quality improvement initiative included: Providing sour and spicy candy options, including War Heads and Hot Tamales, that was easily accessible for staff in the Nurse Lead office. Anonymously surveying staff who tried the candy intervention to assess self-reported stress levels before and after eating a piece of candy. Plans to evaluate common clinical stress triggers to identify specific trends. Results: Results are still in progress, but early survey responses suggest positive outcomes in reducing stress levels. Conclusion: While the “Stress Relief Treats” project is still in the early phases, clinical staff pausing to briefly distract themselves with a sour/spicy treat during stressful moments may be beneficial to reduce stress levels. As work continues on this project, the project may be adapted to include other simple stress-relief strategies such as short affirmations or aromatherapy options.

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Meeting Abstract

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Nursing Commons
