"The Value of Archives" by Sarah Ellsworth MLS


This report was created to quantify and qualify the value of historic archives managed by the Parkview Library within the Institutional Repository (IR) and/or our internal platform Sharepoint.

Parkview Hospital has a long history and with an accumulation of documents and photographs. These historic materials (digital and physical) reside between three Parkview departments: Marketing, Media Services, and the Resource Library. The Parkview Resource Library receives two or three requests for archival materials annually. While this is obviously a small frequency, the request is coming from our largest stakeholders in the organization. Plus the process of quickly retrieving these historic materials is difficult- several Parkview departments reaching out to each other to track down photographs. During our most recent project of tracking down photographs of past Parkview board members, a discussion between departments suggested that the Parkview Resource Library manage and house all the historic materials. These materials could be housed internally on our Intranet SharePoint or housed publicly on our Research Repository. The proposal is to establish a useful and curated method for easy access/retrieval for these historic materials. Additionally, this proposal will be weighed with potential benefits and known drawbacks.

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